Tallassee City Jail
Tallassee City Jail Instruction Sheet
The following is a list of items you cannot bring to the Jail if you are ordered to serve time. Non-Compliance with this list may lead to contraband charges being brought against you.
Items Not Allowed
- Cell Phones or Tobacco Products
- Food, Drinks, Hand or Body Lotions
- Skin or Hair Care Products
- Bobby Pins, Hair Pins, or Jewelry
- Pajamas or Toothpaste
- Large Amount of Cash
- Over the Counter Medications
- Candy, Gum, or Snacks
- Hand Sanitizer or Soap
Items allowed
- One Pair of Clothes
- Toothbrush (non-electric)
- Three Pair of Underwear
- Three Pair of Socks
- One Pair of Shoes
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Two Pair of Thermal Under Garments
- Contact Lens Solutions/Case/Drops
Additional Instructions
- Remove all piercings and body jewelry
- Prescription Medications must be pre-packaged by the pharmacy.
214 Barnett Blvd
Tallassee, Alabama 36078