
City Ordinances

Below is a current listing of city ordinances.
For details on each ordinance, please contact the City Clerk.

2024-693                       Ordinance to Amend Section 23 of the City of Tallassee Municipal                                                    Ordinance 2007-426, as amended by ordinances 2007-430 & 2010-482                                          to set forth new Business License classifications & License Fees to be                                             changed therefore

2024-692                      Flood Plain Development Ordinance for statutory authorization,                                                       findings of fact, purpose and objectives

2024-691                     Ordinance to regulate overgrown vegetation, grass, plants, shrub, and /                                       or weeds 

2023-690                      Ordinance prohibiting the operation of certain motorized vehicles                                                  upon the public streets

 2023-689                     Ordinance funding Public Safety & Communication through Municipal                                           Court Coast

2023-688                      Ordinance establishing rates to be charged to customers of the                                                       Tallassee Municipal Water/ Sewer System

2023-687                        Ordinance to amend City of Tallassee Ordinance Numbers  94-                                                        301,98-355, 2003-393 and 2004-425 to update various standard                                                      codes relating to Building Activities in the City of Tallassee, AL

 2023-686                        Ordinance concerning waste removal & collection

 2022-685                        Ordinance establishing fees to be charged for temporary water                                                        connection

  2022-684                        Ordinance establishing certain requirements for water connection                                                  to newly constructed structures                                                                

  2022-683                        Provide residents of the City of Tallassee with natural gas to heat                                                    their homes and businesses and to operate gas-powered                                                                  appliances & like equipment

  2022-682                        Ordinance amending ordinance # 102, 2007-427 and 2019-557


 2022-681                       Ordinance amending City of Tallassee Municipal Ordinance                                                              Number 2007-426 as amended by Ordinance # 2007-430 and                                                          Ordinance # 2010-482 to set forth new license fees to be charged                                                    therefor

 2022-680                       Ordinance concerning the City’s collection of leaves, straw, grass                                                     clippings and like material

 2022-679                       Ordinance to provide the  issuance of $1,925.00 aggregate                                                                 principal amount of taxable general obligation refunding warrants                                                Series 2021, of City of Tallassee, Alabama

2022-678                       Ordinance to provide for the issuance of $4,290.00 aggregate                                                          principal amount of Water, Gas and Sewer Revenue Warrants                                                          Series 2021 of the City of Tallassee, Alabama

 Ordinances 568-677 Numbers was skipped-No Ordinances for these

2021-567                       City of Tallassee, Alabama Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance

2021-566                        Ordinance to regulate Grass & Weed Nuisances, abandoned &                                                         inoperable vehicles, abandoned/unoccupied dilapidated structures                                                 & other nuisances

2020-565                       Ordinance to provide establishment of districts with in the                                                                corporate limits of the City of Tallassee, Alabama to regulate within                                                the such districts , the height, number of stories & size of buildings                                                and other structures, the percent of lot that may be occupied the                                                    size of yards and other open spaces, the density of population and                                                 the use of buildings, structures, and land to provide methods of                                                     administration of this Ordinance and penalties for the violation                                                       thereof.



  2020-564                    Ordinance authorizing the issuance & sale of Water/Gas/Sewer                                                        Revenue Warrants Series 2020-A Taxable Water/Gas/Sewer                                                              Revenue Refunding Warrants Series 2020-B

2020-563                      Ordinance amending Ordinance NOS. 2003-390, 2010-478, & 2017-                                                 532 to establish certain fees for gas connections

2020-562                      Ordinance amending Ordinance NOS. 2003-391, 2010-479 & 2017-                                                 533 to establish certain fees for water connection


2020-561                      Pursuant to Section 11-46-37 of the code of Alabama 1975, Whitney                                               Moon is hereby appointed by the City Council of the City of                                                               Tallassee, Alabama to perform those duties set forth in Sec. 11-46-                                                 37 of the code of Alabama 1975 for Municipal election to be held on                                               August 25,2020


2019-560                      Amend Zoning Ordinance No. 2007-431 to rezone property located                                                 by 575 South Tallassee Drive from R1(Residential) to Agricultural                                                     Forestry & Residential (AFR)


2019-559                      Ordinance No. 2007-731 amended by rezoning property located at                                                 Gilmer Ave (Red Britt Curve) from R1(Residential) to GB (General                                                     Business)

2019-558                      Ordinance declaring the timber property as surplus and authorizing                                               the sale of the same


2019-557                      Ordinance amending Ordinance #102 & Ordinance 2007-427

2019-556                      Ordinance establishing rates to be charged customers of the                                                             Tallassee Municipal Water/Sewer System

2019-555                      Amend Zoning Ordinance NO. 2007-431

      2018-554                      Declaring Guest House property surplus and authorizing the sale

2018-553 Amended ordinance 2017-536-authorized to sell and dispense alcoholic beverages after 12:00pm on Sundays for on-premises or off-premises consumption
2018-552 Zoning ordinance 2007-431 is amended by rezoning property located at 201 Preer Street, to STM (small town mix)
2018-551 Zoning ordinance 2007-431 is amended by rezoning property located at 412 King Street, to STM (small town mix)
2018-550 Amend Ordinance 2010-474 as to amend Table 4-1 under Sec 404 pertaining to the classification ofuses applivable to real property
2018-549 Amending Ordinance 2012-505 to establish a new polling place for qualified electors in Wards 1,2,4 and 6 living in Elmore County
2018-548 Zoning ordinance 2007-431 is amended by rezoning properties located at 903 Gilmer Ave, to General Business
2018-547 Establishing the levy of an advalorem tax on all property in the City of Tallassee
2018-546 Taxes & Penalties for selling Alcoholic Beverage
2018-545 Amending Ordinance 2008-442-City Council meetings changed to second and fourth Tuesdays of each month
2017-544 Amending Ordinance 2010-474-so as to amend Table 4-1 under Sec 404 pertaining to the classification of uses applicable to the real property within the corporate limits of the City
2017-543 Amend Ordinance 2016-529-Establishing rate changes to be charged customers of the Tallassee Municipal Water System
2017-542 Amend Ordinance 2001-372-Establishing rate changes to be charged customers of the Tallassee Municipal Gas System
2017-541 Ordinance declaring The Patterson Building property as surplus and authorizing the sale of the same
2017-540 Amending Ordinance 89-245-growth of weeds,bush canebreaks etc
2017-539 Ordinance providing for the Demolition or repair of unsage structures in accordance with the Code of Al Sec 11-53b-1 ET SEQ
2017-538 Ordinance declaring The Seven Gables Property as surplus and authorizing the sale of the same
2017-537 Requiring personal flotation devices on a portion of the Tallapoosa River downstream from Thurlow Dam
2017-536 Authorize the Sunday sale of Alcoholic Beverages for on-premises consumption
2017-535 Grant of Non-Exclusive Franchise
2017-534 Amend Ordinance 112-Levy of tax in the City limits and Levy of Tax in the Police Jurisdiciton
2017-533 Amend Ordinance 2010-479-Amending Ordinance 2003-391 to provide Water Deposit,Fees and Payment Damages
2017-532 Amend Ordinance 2010-478-Amending Ordinance 2003-390 to provide Gas Deposit,Fees and Payment of Damages
2017-531 Amend Ordinance 2011-469-convenience fee for the use of credit cards from $1.50 to $3.50
2016-530 Establishing Rates to be charged customers of the Tallassee Municipal Water System
2016-529 Amend Ordinance 2010-479-shall be unlawful for any person to remove any lock or similar device from any City meter or to otherwise tamper with any City meter for the purpose of obtaining servie w/o first obtaining the City’s permission for services to be provided-all other provisions of Ordinance 2010-479 shall remain in full force
2016-528 Amend Ordinance 2010-478-shall be unlawful for any person to remove any lock or similar device from any City meter or to otherwise tamper with any City meter for the purpose of obtaining servie w/o first obtaining the City’s permission for services to be provided-all other provisions of Ordinance 2010-478 shall remain in full force
2016-527 Amend Ordinance 2012-505 to include Voting District 1 -real property annaxed into city limits Ordinance 2013-513
2016-526 Incentive payable based on a portion of sales tax for Patton Plaze (1306 Gilmer Ave)
2015-525 Amend Ordinance 2007-431-Sec 419, pertaining to the renovation, adaptive refuse preservation of structures
2015-524 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431-to rezone 1220 Gilmer Ave to General Business
2015-523 Amend Ordinance 2007-431-Sec 404, table 4-1-amend the table of classifications regarding uses applicable to real property
2014-522 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431- to rezone 1619 Gilmer Ave to General Business
2014-521 Amend Section 23 of Ord #2010-482 which amended 2007-426 regarding Rental and Leasing of properties
2014-520 Polling places for special election held for Sunday sales of alcohol
2014-518 Amend Ord #88-240 reducing number of days from 10 to 7 for animal to be held
2013-517 Amend Zoning Ord #2007-431 to rezone property located on the North side of Central Blvd/Main Street from 8th Street to Carr Street to General Business
2013-516 Amend Pre-Trial Conversion Ordinance #2011-502
2013-515 Permitting Domestic Goats
2013-514 Parks & Recreation-repealing Ord 82-167
2013-513 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431-rezone 45 Friendship Road to General Business
2013-512 Annex Woodridge Subdivision properties
2013-511 Amend Sec 404, Table 4-1 of Zoning Ordinance-Pawn Shops
2012-510 Amend Sec 3 Issue Fee for Business License Ordinance 2007-426
2012-509 Establish Bail Bond Fee
2012-508 Conveying property to Industrial Development Board
2012-507 Amend Sec 7 (a) of Ordinance 2012-505-Polling Places
2012-506 Set compensation and benefits of Mayor and City Council
2012-505 Redistricting Wards for Municipal Election
2012-504 Amend Business License Ordinance 2010-482 Classifications
2011-503 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 – dimensional standards –  Non-residential property
2011-502 Authorizing Pretrial Diversion Program
2011-501 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 675 Gilmer Ave to General Business
2011-500 Establishing speed limit on Al Highway 14-Gilmer Ave
2011-499 Amend Sec 405 and Table 4-2 Zoning Ordinance 2007-431-Area/Dimensional Reg
2011-498 Flood Damage Prevention
2011-497 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 243 Main Street to General Business
2011-496 Establish courtsey fee for credit card transactions
2011-495 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 1401 Gilmer Avenue to General Business (credit union)
2011-494 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 508 Jordan Avenue to General Business (on map)
2011-493 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 2485 Notasulga Road to General Business (Eric Baker)
2011-492 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 3169 Notasulga Road to General Business (on map)
2011-491 General Obligation Water, Gas, Sewer Warrants, Series 2011
2011-490 Annex property located at 320 Apple Avenue, petitioner Jeff and Lisa Osborne
2011-489 Amend Ordinances 2007-426 and 2010-482 to establish a Special Market Sales License
2011-488 Repealed Ordinance 83-171 and 83-171 as amended to remove geographic restrictions to alalow alcohol sales
2011-487A Amend Ordinance 2011-487 Section 6-Use of Proceeds
2011-487 Increase Sales Tax to 4%
2010-486 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone lot at intersection of Hwy 14 and Clay Street
2010-485 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 318 1st Avenue to Institutional Class
2010-484 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 Sections 203 and 404, Table 4-1 for Group Homes
2010-483 Amend Ordinance 2010-476 and 2010-480 New Effective Date for Lodging Tax
2010-482 Amend Ordinance 2007-426 Section 23 License Classification and Fees
2010-481 Amend Ordinance 2010-477-New Effective Date of Lease and Rental Tax
2010-480 Amend Ordinance 2010-476-New Effective Date of Lodging Tax
2010-479 Amend Ordinance 2003-391-Water Deposit, Fees, Penalties & Payment of Damages
2010-478 Amend Ordinance 2003-390-Gas Depsoit, Fees, Penalties & Payment of Damages
2010-477 Establishes a Leasing or Rental Tax on personal property
2010-476 Establishes a Lodging Tax
2010-475 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 2189 Notasulga Road to General Business–Capital Xray
2010-474 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431  Section 404 and Table 4-1 Uses Applicable
2010-473 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to define Warehouse, Distribution Assembly
2010-472 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to revise Article V- Signs
2010-471 Amend Zoning Ordinance to rezone property located on Hwy 229 between Taylor property and church building
2010-470 Annex Lot 9 of Bent Brook Subdivision located in Tallapoosa County, petitioner J.R. Benton & company
2010-469 Annex Lot 1 of Bent Brook Subdivision located in Tallapoosa County, petitioner J.R. Benton & company
2010-468 Amend Ordinance nos 94-301, 98-355, 2003-393 Standard Codes of Building Activities
2010-467 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone portion of Lots 1152-1154 of Sunset Hills Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 3, Elmore County to General Business
2010-466 Annex property located in Tallapoosa County, petitioners James C. Jones and Ashley S. Jones
2010-465 Annex property located in Tallapoosa Cunty, petitioner Jason R. Benton
2010-464 Annex property located in Tallapoosa County, petitioner J.R.Benton & Company
2010-463 Annex property located in Tallapoosa County, petitioner Russell R. Benton
2010-462 Annex property along Hwy 229, petitioners Paul C Taylor and Jane S Taylor
2010-461 Annex property in Tallapoosa county, Section 1: petitoner J.R.Benton & Compamy, Section 2: petitioners Russell R. Benton and Jason R. Benton and Section 3: petitioners Russell R Benton and Jason R Benton
2010-460 Annex property along Hwy 229, Industrial Development Board, petitioner
2009-459 Annex 20.64 acres on Hwy 229, J.R. Benton Co, petitioner
2009-458 Annex .62 acres on Hwy 229, Travis Taylor, petitioner
2009-457 Establish Schedule for Fines for certain municipal ordinance violations
2009-456 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 providing landscaping and buffer requirements
2009-455 Amend Ordinance 86-213 to revise requirements for annexation
2009-454 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 99 Gilmer  Ave to General Business
2009-453 Prohibits Smoking in Public Places
2009-452 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 2587 Notasulga Road to General Business
2009-451 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 5 parcels in Tallapoosa County to General Business Classification
2009-450 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 5 parcels between Godwin Road and Gilmer Ave to General Business and Small Town Mix
2009-449 Red Flag and Idenity Theft
2009-448 Annex municipal airport property located on Ashurst Bar Road, City of Tallassee, petitioner
2009-447 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 Section III-Establish District and Section IV-Use Regulation
2009-446 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 420 Main St to General Business Class
2009-445 Amend Ordinance 2005-415 to allow hunting of game birds & animals in certain areas
2008-444 Amend Ordinance Nos 2006-419 and 93-294-Setting fees for Opening & Closing Grave
2008-443 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone 704 Jordan Ave to Industrial Classification
2008-442 Order of Procedure for City Council Meetings
2008-441 Amend Zoning Ordinance 2007-431 to rezone property located at 443 Main St and 103 Davidson St to Office, Institutional classification
2008-440 Provide for use of electronic voting machine
2008-439 Setting qualification Fees for canidates seeking election
2008-438 Amend Ordinance # 119 to require all premises to connect to sewer lines
2008-437 Annex property located along/adjacent to 9 Laurel St, petitioner Ricahrd Bennett
2008-436 Annex property located along/adjacent to North Ann Street, petitioners George A. McCain and Patricia F. McCain
2008-435 Establish procedure for the appointment of additional election officers for absentee ballots in municipalities under 10,000 pop
2008-434 General Obligation Warrant Series 2008 (Filed in Safe Drawer)
2008-433 Providing enforcement mechanisms to combat theft and illegal trade of copper
2008-432 Granting Law Enforcement Officer privileges to City Building Official
2007-431 Zoning Ordinance-repeals all other (Filed in Safe Drawer)
2007-430 Amend Ordinance 2007-426 to include additional business license classifications
2007-429 Set compensation and benefits for Mayor and City Council Members
2007-428 Amend Zoning Ordinance 88-235 to rezone
2007-427 Amend Ordinance #102 to assess a fee for collecting, hauling & disposing trash at homeowners expense
2007-426 Business License Code-repeals all other
2007-425 Amend Ordinance Nos. 94-301, 98-355 & 2003-393 Standard codes for building activities
2007-424 Prohibiting avoidance of traffic control devices by motor vehicles
2007-423 Amend Ordinance 2002-382 and 2002-382 as amended by 2002-383 authorizing council to suspend sale and /or discharge of firearms in public interest
2007-422 Annex of property located on Gilmer Ave next to National Guard Armory, petitioners Joseph J Jeffcoat and Joseph Benton Atkinson
2006-421 Relates to reimbursement of cost of certain city services
2006-420 Amend Zoning Ordinance 88-235 to rezone Pecan Meadows Subdivision on Gilmer Ave
2006-419 Amend Ordinance 93-294-setting fee for opening & closing graves
2006-418 Require an approved trash receptacle on construction/demolition sites
2005-417 Prohibiting tampering with water service devices
2005-416 Granting non-exclusive franchise to Bright House Networks thru 04/05/2021
2005-415 Prohibiting discharge of firearm in city limits
2005-414 Amend Ordinance 88-241 to establish fine for violation of Ordinance 87-217-parking in fire zone
2005-413 Amend Ordinance 96-321 to establish punishment for violation of Ordinance 87-217-parking in fire zone
2005-412 Amend Zoning Ordinance 88-235 to rezone 3169 Notasulga Road
2005-411 Amend Zoning Ordinance 88-235 to rezone 403 James Street
2005-410 Amend Zoning Ordinance 88-235 to rezone 148 Littlejohn Drive
2004-409 Rules of Procedure for Council Meeting
2004-408 Amend Zoning Ordinance 88-235 to rezone 576 Gilmer Ave
2004-407 Amend Zoning Ordinance 88-235 to rezone 2251 Gilmer Ave
2004-406 Conveyance of Superintendent’s House to Talisi Historical Preservation Society
2004-405 Permanent easement convey to Michael and Leigh Anne Butler on property locaed on Hwy 229
2004-404 Appointment of Barbara Garnett to perform duties of municipal election
2004-403 Establish qualification fees for municipal election
2004-402 Amend Zoning Ordinance 88-235 to rezone 305 James Street
2004-401 Amend Animal Control Ordinance 88-240, 98-349 & 2000-369
2004-400 Annex property locatd in Herren Meadows Subdivision
2003-399 Establish regulations for alarm systems-effective date of October 30, 2004
2003-398 Amend Ordinance 88-235 to rezone 2107 Gilmer Ave
2003-397 Establish $.03 tax on video movie and video game rentals
2003-396 Amend Ordinance 81-159, Paragraph 14-increase cigarette stamp tax to $.09
2003-395 Redistricting of Council Districts
2003-394 Re-annexation of property owned by John and Joan Herren
2003-393 Amend 94-301: Update 2003 Edition Standard Building Codes
2003-392 Amend 93-294: Cemetery lot and open/close grave fees
2003-391 Repealed 85-203: Amend #70-Water reconnection fees
2003-390 Repealed 85-202: Amend # 69-Gas reconnection fees
2003-389 Annexation of property owned by William D. and Renee Barker
2003-388 Annexation of property owned by Barbara Herren Piper and Robert Piper
2003-387 Annexation of property owned by John and Joan Herren
2002-386 Annexation of First Baptist Church property located on Friendship Road
2002-385 Amend 88-235: Rezone Property located at 707 Central Blvd
2002-384 Prohibits dumping of rubbish
2002-383 Amend 2002-382: Discharge of fireworks
2002-382 Sale of fireworks
2002-381 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at
2002-380 Amend 93-291: Establish probationary period
2002-379 Amend 98-351, Sec 3A: Lot of 5 acres or more is considered farm property
2001-378 Skipped
2001-377 Amend #4, Sec 2, paragraph 116: Insurance Business License
2001-376 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at 75 Littlejohn Drive
2001-375 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at 3220 Notasulga Road
2001-374 Amend 98-351: Sec 8A: Control of weeds, junk and abandoned vehicles
2001-373 Aamend 93-291: Personnel Handbook Sec 9.11.3-number of days to file a response to disciplinary action
2001-372 Establish rates to be charged for gas customers
2000-371 Regulating use and operation of game machines
2000-370 Rules of Procedure for Council Meeting
2000-369 Amend 88-240 and 98-349: Define “animal”
2000-368 Establish poll hours
2000-367 Appointment of Barbara Garnett to perform duties of municipal election
2000-366 Set qualification fees
2000-365 Establish voting site for onsite absentee voting
2000-364 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at 1506 Gilmer Ave
2000-363 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at 603 Roosevelt Street
2000-362 Designation of Draeger Alcotest MKIII
#99-361 Declare real property surplus and transfer title to Gary Buchanan
#99-360 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at 206 Jordan Ave
#99-359 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at 2485 Notasulga Road
#99-358 Adopting “Code of Ordinance”
#99 Amending # 25-Hwy 14 Mills-Winn Dixie
#98-357 Salary for Mayor and Council
#98-356 Amend 88-235: Rezone property
#98-355 Amend 94-301: Update Standard Building Codes
#98-354 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at 904-908 Gilmer
#98-353 Amend 88-237, article 11: Define “substantial improvement”
#98-352 Establish parade procedures
#98-351 Control of weeds, trash, junk & abandoned vehicles
#98-350 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at 116 Central Blvd
#98-349 Amend 88-240, Sec 7: Impoundment of animals at large
#98-348 Amend 88-235: Rezone property
#98 Amending # 25-Tallassee Mills & Winn Dixie
#97-347 Amend 88-235: Rezone property
#97-346 Establish Corrections Fund
#97-345 Amend 88-235: Rezone property-Tallapoosa County
#97-344 Amend 88-235: Rezone property-Tallapoosa County
#97-343 Amend 88-235: Rezone property
#97-342 Amend 94-229: Establish fine schedule for violation of # 13A-7-4.1 Code of Alabama
#97-341 Weapon possession while on school property
#97-340 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at Crimson Meadows
#97-339 Amend 87-223 and 94-301: Change notification requirements
#97-338 Amend 89-245, Sec 4
#97-337 Amend 88-237: Flood Damage Prevention
#97 Merger-Tallassee & Carrville
#96-336 Sales and Excise Taxes-Rescinding all previous ordinances
#96-335 Subdivision regulations for Cricket Hollow Subdivision
#96-334 Establish fines schedule for Ord # 90-259
#96-333 Amend 88-235: Rezone property
#96-332 Amend 88-235: Rezone property-Tallapoosa County
#96-331 Sales and Excise taxes
#96-330 Rules of Procedure for Council Meeting
#96-329 Appointment of Betty Elrod to perform duties of municipal election
#96-328 Amend 88-235: Rezone property-Tallapoosa County
#96-327 Prohibit use of all terrian vehicles on streets and sidewalks
#96-326 Set qualification fees
#96-325 Accepting Bent Oak as a city street
#96-324 Designating ward numbers
#96-323 Amend 88-235: Rezone property
#96-322 Amend 88-235: Rezone property
#96-321 Handicap parkinhg
#96 Utilities-to put under road etc.
#95-320 Amend 88-235: Rezone property-Hoyt Bazzell- Tallapoosa County
#95-319 Amend Ord #4: transient Booth Agent Business License
#95-318 Emergency powers of Mayor
#95-317 Amend 88-235: Rezone property located at 1415 Gilmer Ave
#95-316 Amend 88-235: Rezone property. Greg Campbell
#95-315 Amend 88-235: Rezone Property located at 707 Central Blvd
#95-314 Amend 88-235: Rezone property owned by Jeffcoat & Atkinson
#95-313 Amend 88-235: Rezone property owned by Carrie Wallace
#95-312 1995 Refunding g/o warrants (in safe)
#95-311 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance- Alisa Caldwell- Central Blvd
#95-310 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance- O. C. Harden Jr-Gilmer Ave
#95-309 “Under the Influence” Violation and Penalty (DUI)
#95-308 City Building Inspector Qualification
#95-307 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance-m D. O. Noles-409 Jordan Ave
#95-306 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance-Hoyt Bazzell-Hwy 14 E
#95-305 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance-Buce Y-Hwys 14W & 229 N
#95-304 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance-Lots 923 & 924 Bearden
#95 Housing Authority
#94-303 Amendment to 1980 Tallassee License Schedule-Issue Fee
#94-302 Amendment to 1980 Tallassee License Schedule-Ambulance
#94-301 Amendment to Ordinance # 87-223-Update Standard Codes
#94-300 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance-Lots 907 & 908 Block # 83
#94-299 Offenses and Penalties-court Costs
#94-298 This Ordinance in Safe-Water, Gas & Sewer Warrants
#94-297 Amendment to to Zoning Ordinance-207 Gilmer Ave
#94 Industrial Development Board
#93-296 This Ordinance in Safe-G. O. Sewer Warrant
#93-295 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance-1404 Gilmer Ave
#93-294 Charges for Service at City Cemeteries
#93-293 Ordinance-Removing Fire Fighting Responsibilities from Public Saftey Officers
#93-292 Ordinance-Amend the City of Tallassee Business License Ordinance
#93-291 Ordinance-To established a Personnell System of the City of Tallassee
#93-290 Ordinance-Rezoning Property-Hoyt Cannon
#93 Beer Sale, etc.
#92-289 Ordinance-Rezoning Property-Old Piggly Wiggly Store on Jordan Ave.
#92-288 Ordinance-Declare City Property Surplus-1.2 Acres on Highway 229 (swap ed to Bank)
#92-287 Ordinance -Rezoning Property-Orie Gresham
#92-286 Ordinance-Rezoning Property-James Parker-Gilmer Ave.
#92-285 Resolution-to establish the Office of City Attorney
#92-284 City Council-Order of Precedure for City Council Meetings
#92-283 Rezoning Property on Highway # 14 East-Waymon Benson Property
#92-282 Rezoning Property on Highway # 14 East-Waymon Benson Property
#92-281 Change in Court Bonds Amount (Apprearance bond not to exceed $1,000.00)
#92-280 Change in Ward Lines (Reapportioning the Wards)
#92-279 Amendment o Zoning Ordinance-Reggie and Michael W. Taunton (Kentucky Fried Chicken)
#92 Amending Ordinance # 25-Noble
#91-278 Amendment of Zoning Ordinance-Billy and Mary McKenzie-New Subdivision (Lake Tallassee)
#91-277 Amendment of Zoning Ordinance-Board of Education, New School Site
#91-276 Amendment of Zoning Ordinance-Dr. Kim Peters-1404 Gilmer Ave
#91-275 Amendment of Zoning Ordinance-Thomas W. Christian-Gilmer Ave. 1403
#91-274 Amendment of Zoning Ordinance-Charles Patrick-Gilmer Ave. (Patrick Auto Parts)
#91-273 Ordinance-Amendment to #88-235-Rodney Griffith-Subdivision-Lake Tallassee
#91-272 Regulating the parking or storing of motor vehicles
#91-271 Uniform Structural Numbering System
#91-270 Tree Commission
#91-269 Rezoning Charles & Margie Harper
#91-268 Bond Issue in safe
#91-267 Levying a privilege or license tax- 1% sales tax
#91-266 Rezoning Dwight Warren
#91-265 Rezoning Larry Glass
#91-264 Rezoning Leonard McGarr
#91-263 Definition of departments
#91-262 Speed Limits for Gilmer Ave
#91 Amending Ordinance # 81 (Beer)
#90-261 Amended Ordinance # 88-235
#90-260 Regulating the parking or storing of motor vehicles
#90-259 Loud or excessive noise
#90-258 S. E. Floyd right-of-way Jordan Ave.
#90-257 Open Possession of alcoholic beverage
#90-256 Amended Ord. #102-failure to pay garbage fees, etc.
#90-255 Amended Ord #88-235 Central Blvd
#90 Amending Ordinance # 25-Bell Park
#9 Water Works Warrants
#89-254 Rezoning of Jeffocat Property
#89-253 “Cross Connection”-regulations
#89-252 Not Needed Property-Next to Tallassee Rec. Center
#89-251 Unneeded Property-Old CV City Hall
#89-250 This Ordinance in safe   Bond
#89-249 John Huddleston rezoning of property
#89-248 John Huddleston rezoning of property
#89-247 Rezoning from AGR Classification to M-2
#89-246 Intoxilizer 5000
#89-245 Growth of weeds, brush canebreaks etc.
#89-244 Rezoning from R-1 Residential to R-3 Residential (Ransom Drive)
#89-243 Restriction City Employees-Gas System
#89-242 Handicapped Parking Spaces
#89 Amending Ordinance # 25-Emfinger in ordinance book # 70-88
#88-241 Minimum Fine Schedule
#88-240 Dog Leash Law
#88-239 Establish City Attorney
#88-238 Rules of Procedure for Council Meeting
#88-237 Flood  Damage Prevention Ordinance
#88-236 Amended Ordinance # 25- Wayne Wallace McNeal Circle
#88-235 Copy of Ordinance in Safe Zoning
#88-234 Minimum Fine Schedule for Traffic and Non-Traffic Misdemeanor
#88-233 Rezoning Crew Property
#88-232 Qualification Fees for Election
#88-231 Reapporting the Wards in the City of Tallassee
#88-230 Legal Discription of Corporate Limits
#88-229 Setting Salaries for Mayor and Council
#88 Supplementing # 87
#87-228 Amended Ordinance # 25-Property of J. P. Holman-Lower River Road
#87-227 Amended Ordinance # 25-Property of Michael & Kathy Ruff-Highway 14 East CV
#87-226 Amending Ordinance # 86-211 Property annexed 229 South
#87-225 Amending Ordinance # 87-222 (Wards)
#87-224 Inspection & approval of Electrical Wiring Installations
#87-223 Adopt Standard Codes, Fix Permit Fees create a Board of Adjustments
#87-223 Amended Ordinance # 87-223
#87-222 Reapporting the Wards in the City
#87-221 Non-City garbage customers from using city weekend trash dumping
#87-220 Amended Ordinance # 25 James R Bowles Property-Mrs.Maggie Harris Subdivision
#87-219 Restricting the Speed of Vehicles
#87-218 Applicability of Traffic Regulatings to Quasi-Public or Private Parking Lots
#87-217 Prohibiting, Restricting, or Regulating Parking
#87-216 General Obligation Water Works & Sewer Project Warrants, Series 1985
#87 Selling Warrants
#86-215 Establishment & Maintenance of a Municipal Planning Commission
#86-214 Stand Codes relating to inspection activities of the City of Tallasse
#86-213 Requirements of Property Owners petitioning for annexation
#86-212 Disposition of Uneeded Real Estate
#86-211 Annexation of Highway 229 Sout (Sikorsky)
#86-210 Zoning Ordinance-void all ordinance # 235
#86-209 Amends Ordinance # 25-Hoyt Melton Property
#86 Sewer Warrant
#85-208 Amends Ordinance # 142-Dog Retention
#85-207 Establishing a Dept. of Public Saftey
#85-206 1 cent School Tax
#85-205 Fail to Obey Officer
#85-204 Safety Hazards Regulations (Supersede Ordinances 83-172 & 85-193)
#85-203 Water Deposits
#85-202 Gas Deposits
#85-201 Threatening Letter or Message
#85-200 Rezoning-Bob Meadows
#85-199 Marihuana
#85-198 Water Works & Sewer Projects Warrants Series 1985
#85-197 Concealed Weapon
#85-196 Amend Ordinance # 25 Crispy Chick
#85-195 Impound Property
#85-194 Amend Ordinance # 25 Hilda Lawrence
#85-193 Regulating Public Nuisances on Land
#85-192 Disposition of Uneeded Real Estate
#85 Zoning Herman Caldwell Property
#84-191 Changing the Regular Meeting
#84-190 Handicapped Parking
#84-189 Office of Public Defender
#84-188 City Attorney
#84-187 Supt. Of Utilities
#84-186 Rules or Order of Procedure
#84-185 Industrial Board Airport Property
#84-184 Amend Ordinance # 92 Noble Sub. (Satellete Dish)
#84-183 Amend Ordinance # 25 (Bank of Carrville)
#84-182 Offense against the City
#84-181 Offense against the City
#84-180 Amend Ordinance # 25 (Bank of Carrville)
#84-179 Ward Lines Tall. Tallapoosa Ct.
#84-178 Qualification Fees
#84 Right to Condem
#83-171 Amendment to 83-171-No Liquior sold near schools
#83 Regulate Sale,etc. of Beer
#82 Beer Ordinance
#81 Sale of Beer etc.
#80 Election
#8 Park Board Ordinance  (no copy)
#79 Civial Emergency Grant
#78 Amending # 25-Maggie Harris
#77 Modification # 1- Social Security
#76 Electric Franchise to Ala. Power Co.
#75 TV Cablevision Co.
#74 Amending Ordiance # 25
#73 Sub-Division
#72 Gasoline Licenses Taxes
#71-A Adopting Ordinance # 71
#71 Selling of Tangible Personal Property
#70 Rates & Charges for Water
#7 License Schedule
#69 Deposit for Gas Comsumers :
#68 Disposition of Unneeded Real Estate owned by City
#67 Municipal Planning Commission
#66 City of Tallassee Utilities (Water)
#65 Wearing Crash Helmets (Motorcycles)
#64 Pertaining to Trailor Courts
#63 Amending Ordiance # 25
#62 Civil Defence
#61 Business License
#60 Agreement Tallassee Mills & City (Water)
#6 Taxi License
#59 J. C. Ennis Property
#58 Selling to Mrs. Christine Mulican
#57 D. O. Noles Property
#56 Agreement Between Carrville & Tallassee Water
#55 Revised License Schedule
#54 Resolution
#53 Out
#52 Zoning
#51 Reference to Tallassee Development of Property Across from Ball Park
#50 Reference to C. D. Saxon
#5 Relating to Traffic
#49 Reference to J. K. Bates Property
#48 Creation of a Civil Defense Organization
#47 Amending Section 1 of Ordinance #36 (Lewis Rich)
#46 Dividing Territory Corporate Limits
#45 Resolution Bonds for Ind. Project
#44 Licenses Contractors
#43 Licenses Auto Tire Repair
#42 Licenses for Distributors
#41 State Misdemeanors Against City
#40 Water Works Warrants
#4 License Code
#39 Resolution Water System Extention
#38 Resolution Carvel Woodall
#37 Water System for Carrville
#36 Zoning
#35 Amending Ordinance # 25
#34 Licenses :   Bakeries, Peddlers
#33 Garbage
#32 License
#31 Federal Census
#3 Water Works Warrants
#28 thru 30 Out
#27 No Parking Zone
#26-A Segreation Ordinance
#26 Park Board Ordinance
#2 Rates for Gas System-page 35 of Ord 1
#177 Councilman salary
#176 Sell of Land to Auburn Sportswear
#175 CV Street Lights to Tallassee
#174 DUI Ordinance
#173 Discarded Vehicles
#172 Growth & Weed in yards
#171 No Liquior sold near schools
#170 Wastewater System
#169 Regulation of Sewer Use
#168 Flood Damage Prevention
#167 Park Board Ordinance
#166 Amending Dog Ordinance
#165 Annex for Carrville
#164 Amending # 25 (Tallassee Mills)
#163 Loitering
#162 Ordinance Against Drinking
#161 Amending # 25 (Larry Knox)
#160 Beer Tax
#159 Cigarette Tax
#158 Procedure for Council
#157 Amending # 25 (Mack Farrow)
#156 Signs on Property to be rezoned
#155 Solicitation on Highway
#154 Amending # 25 (J. S. Woodall)
#153 Qualification Fees
#152 McNeal Sub-division into City Limits
#151 Wards
#150 Library
#149 Merger Ordinance
#148 Mayor Salary
#147 Misdemeanor
#146 Speed Limits-East Tallassee
#145 Amending Ordinance # 25 (501 Roosevelt)
#144 Amending Ordinance # 25 (H.B. Caldwell)
#143 Amending Ordinance # 25 (Division of Zones)
#142 Dog Ordinance
#141 Amending Ordinance # 25 (Burlington Sub.)
#140 Amending Ordinance # 25 (Delores A. Maddox House)
#139 Non-discrimination in the Area of Housing
#138 Amending # 25 (Highway 14) Ed Billingsley-Branch Bank
#137 Library Board
#136 Amending Ordinance # 25 (Raymond Varner Property)
#135 Amending Ordinance # 25 (Emfinger)
#134 Amending Ordinance # 25-Tallassee   ??
#133 Bank of Tallassee
#132 Minimum Fine Schedule for a Municipality
#131 Committing Offence within Corporate Limits
#130 Municipal Court
#129 Committing Offence within Corporate Limits
#128 Amending Ordiance # 25 (Woodall Hardware)
#127 Out
#126 Amending Ordiance  #25 (Property next to old Armory)
#125 Out
#124 Amending # 25- 1613 Gilmer Ave
#123 Speed Limits for Housing Zones, etc.
#122 Out
#121 Marihuana
#120 Cable TV
#119 Sanitary Sewer System
#118 PEI Test
#118 Amending Ordinance # 25-Tallassee Mills-O’Daniel &
#117 Sell Water Works & Sewer Bonds
#116 Sell Water Works & Sewer Bonds
#115 City Water
#114 Water Works & Sewer Revenue Bonds
#113 Beer in City Limits
#112 2(a) & 2 (b) of Ordinance # 72
#111 Revise Sections 2 & 9 of Ordinance # 71-2% tax
#110 Taxable Personal Property
#11 thru 25 Out
#109 Deputy Recorder
#108 Warrant Clerk
#107 Amending # 25- Tallassee Motor Inn
#106 Amending # 25-Hwy 14-between WTLS & Mrs.Maddox
#105 State Misdemeanor Crimes Against City
#104 Misdemeanor Ordinance
#103 Recorder’s Court Ordinance
#102 Garbage Ordinance
#101 Amending # 25-Tallassee W.Hwy-Raymond Varnor
#100 Amending # 25-N. Patton
#10 Fire Dept. (authorizing to go in house)
#1 Issuance & sale of Gas Revenue Bonds


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