OCTOBER 12, 2021





The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Tallassee, Alabama convened in regular session on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Tallassee Municipal Complex. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hammock and the following were recorded as present:


Mayor                          John Hammock

Council Members         Jeremy Taunton

Sarah Hill

Damian Carr

Bill Hall

Terrel Brown

Bill Godwin

Fred Randall Hughey


The Tallassee City Council convened in a regular city council meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m. on October 12, 2021. Mayor Hammock and all councilmembers were present. In the absence of City Clerk Whitney Pitchford, City Attorney John Smith acted as secretary for the meeting Upon Mayor Hammock calling the meeting to order, Rev. Brandon Fomby gave the invocation and the following occurred.


The minutes of the work session of September 28, 2021 were discussed. There being no changes to those minutes, and on motion of Councilmember Brown and a second by Councilmember Godwin, with all councilmembers voting in favor, the minutes were approved.

The minutes of the regular council meeting of September 28, 2021 were discussed. There being no changes to those minutes, and on motion of Councilmember Hall and a second by Councilmember Carr, with all councilmembers voting in favor, the minutes were approved.

The minutes of the special council meeting of October 7, 2021 were discussed. There being no changes to those minutes, and on motion of Councilmember Carr and a second by Councilmember Hill, with all councilmembers voting in favor, the minutes were approved.

Item 1. An ordinance to issue certain Water, Gas and Sewer Revenue Warrants was introduced. Councilmember Hill, with a second by Councilmember Taunton, moved to suspend the Rules of Order. On a roll call vote, with all councilmembers and Mayor Hammock voting in favor, the Rules were suspended. Thereafter, Councilmember Hill, with a second by Councilmember Hughey, moved to approve the ordinance. All councilmembers voted in favor and approved the ordinance. Ordinance 2021-678 was adopted.

Item 2. An ordinance to issue certain GO Refunding Warrants was introduced. Councilmember Godwin, with a second by Councilmember Hall, moved to suspend the Rules of Order. On a roll call vote, with all councilmembers and Mayor Hammock voting in favor, the Rules were suspended. Thereafter, Councilmember Godwin, with a second by Councilmember Brown, moved to approve the ordinance. All councilmembers voted in favor and approved the ordinance. Ordinance 2021-679 was adopted.

Item 3. Certain representatives of the Tallassee High School class of 2022 were recognized. These students requested permission to use certain portions of the Tallassee City Hall property to conduct the traditional homecoming candlelight service and bonfire since the normal location for these activities at the high school could not be used due to construction. On motion of Councilmember Godwin and a second by Councilmember Hill, and all councilmembers voting in favor, the request was approved.

Item 4. There was a general discussion about PARCA. The council declined to join this organization.

Item 5. The council next discussed appointments to the Tallassee Industrial Development Board. Councilmember Taunton moved to appoint Pat Taylor to a position that would expire the third week of August in 2027. This motion was seconded by Councilmember Hughey and all councilmembers voted to appoint Mr. Taylor. Councilmember Carr then moved to appoint Tasha Gaines to a position that would expire the third week of August in 2027. This motion was seconded by Councilmember Brown and all councilmembers voted to appoint Ms. Gaines.

Item 6. The council next discussed the KPS infrastructure improvements as discussed in the work session immediately preceding the council meeting.  Don Haycock of the IDB agreed to have a draft copy of the agreement to the city within the next 30 days.

Item 7. Mayor Hammock recognized Councilmember Hill, the chair of the City’s Finance Committee, to discuss proposed changes the city’s 2021-2022 budget. Councilmember Hill explained that certain adjustments were necessary to provide additional sums to, respectively, the gas department and the volunteer fire department. This included a $33,000 addition to budget line item  045195078 and a $4000 addition to budget line item 5035095. Councilmember Hill, with a second by Councilmember Brown, moved to suspend the rules so that the $33,000 increase to budget line item  045195078 could be considered. On a roll call vote, with all councilmembers and Mayor Hammock voting in favor, the rules were suspended. Thereafter, Councilmember Hill with a second by Councilmember Godwin, and all councilmembers voting in favor, approved a $33,000 addition to budget line item 045195078. Next, Councilmember Hall, with a second by Councilmember Godwin, moved to suspend the rules so that the $4,000 increase to budget line item 5035095 could be considered. On a roll call vote, with all councilmembers and Mayor Hammock voting in favor, the rules were suspended. Thereafter, Councilmember Hill with a second by Councilmember Taunton, and all councilmembers voting in favor, approved a $4,000 addition to budget line item  5035095.

Item 8. The council discussed a proposed agreement for the exchange of tax information between the city and the State of Alabama. On motion of Councilmember Godwin, with a second by Councilmember Hill, and all councilmembers voting in favor, the council approved the agreement.

Item 9. Mayor Hammock brought to the council’s attention additional repair and improvement work to the city’s water tank on Barnett Boulevard. On motion of Councilmember Godwin, with a second by Councilmember Hughey, and all councilmembers voting in favor, the council approved an expenditure of $1500 for this work.

Item 10. Mayor Hammock brought to the council’s attention additional repair and improvement work related to the Tallassee Volunteer Fire Department’s communications equipment located atop the city’s water tank on Barnett Boulevard. On motion of Councilmember Godwin, with a second by Councilmember Brown, and all councilmembers voting in favor, the council approved an expenditure for this work.

Mayor’s reports. Mayor Hammock reported that there was not a quorum present for the October 11 meeting of the Tallassee Redevelopment Authority and its next meeting would be on November 8, 2021 at 6 p.m. in the city council chambers. Mayor Hammock then announced that there would be a preconstruction meeting for the downtown water tank improvements on October 13, 2021 at 10AM at City Hall. he announced that there would also be a zoom meeting to discuss Brownfield Redevelopment Grants on October 13, 2021 at City Hall. He reported that the Laney Lift Station was up and running.  He reported that the city was waiting on bids for the Downtown Redevelopment project. Finally, Mayor Hammock recapped the many accomplishments of city government over the past 5 years.

Council Reports

Wards 1, 2, and 3 had no reports.

Reporting for Ward 4, Councilmember Hall discussed that Michelle Davidson would like permission to use the city’s green space along Ann Avenue across from the Pointed Toe to show a Halloween-themed movie on October 29, 2021. On motion of Councilmember Godwin and a second by Councilmember Hill, all councilmembers voted to grant this request subject to Ms. Davidson completing the city’s special events permit and an indemnification agreement to be provided by the city attorney. He next announced that there would be a city-wide clean up day on November 6, 2021 from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. Finally, he requested that the city’s public affairs officer investigate the possibility of grants to install a railing or fencing along portions of South Ann Street. There was a discussion that steps were being taken to address this issue with the property owners in the vicinity.

Ward 5 had no report.

Reporting for Ward 6, Councilmember Godwin made a motion to convene an executive session to discuss the good name a character of certain city employees. On a second by Councilmember Hall, all councilmembers voted to convene an executive session. Thereafter, and on motion of Councilmember Hall with a second by Councilmember Godwin, and all councilmembers voting in favor, the executive session was adjourned.

Ward 7 had no report.

On motion of Councilmember Godwin with a second by Councilmember Taunton, and all councilmembers voting in favor, the city council voted to remove Mayor Hammock as Superintendent of the City’s Utilities Department.

There being no further business before the council, and on motion of Councilmember Hill with a second by Councilmember Taunton, and all councilmembers voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m.









