NOVEMBER 9, 2021





The Mayor Pro Tempore and the City Council of the City of Tallassee, Alabama convened in regular session on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Tallassee Municipal Complex. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Godwin and the following were recorded as present:


Mayor                          John Hammock-absent

Council Members         Jeremy Taunton

Sarah Hill

Damian Carr

Bill Hall

Terrel Brown

Bill Godwin

Fred Randall Hughey


John Smith was present as city attorney and Whitney Pitchford as secretary for the meeting.


Mayor Pro Tempore Godwin presented the minutes of the council work session held on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. There were no additions or changes. Upon motion of Councilmember Hill and second by Councilmember Taunton, the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.


Mayor Pro Tempore Godwin presented the minutes of the regular council meeting held on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. There were no additions or changes. Upon motion of Councilmember Taunton and second by Councilmember Carr, the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.


Item 1: The status of the Hotel Talisi demolition was discussed during the work session. John Smith is getting with the owner’s lawyer to see if they will donate the Hotel to the City to tear down for a tax write off. If not, the City will tear the Hotel down and put a lien on the property.


Item 2: Grif Pritchard gave an update on the Demolition Grant.


Item 3: John Smith sent revisions to the IDB’s lawyer concerning the agreement with KPS.


Item 4: Buying Christmas candy for the parade was discussed. We need a count of how many Councilmembers and Departments that will be riding in the parade so that we know how much candy to get.


Item 5: Jeff Harrison gave an update on the Laney Lift Station Upgrade and explained the change order for $1700. Councilmember Hill made a motion to suspend the rules, seconded by Councilmember Carr. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Hill made a motion to approve the change order for the Laney Lift Station of $1700, seconded by Councilmember Taunton, the motion passed unanimously.


Item 6: Council Reports:

  1. Councilmember Hill made a motion to suspend the rules, seconded by Councilmember Hall. Upon a roll call vote, the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Hill made a motion to put $10,000 into the pool line item to try and keep the pool running, seconded by Councilmember Godwin. Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Councilmember Hall said they were going to wait until spring to do the next Keep Tallassee Beautiful Day.
  3. Mayor Pro Tempore Godwin asked for more patrol around Herring Street, lots of speeders. Councilmember Godwin made a motion to cancel the November 23, 2021 council meeting due to Thanksgiving, seconded by Councilmember Brown. The motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Godwin introduced a memo to city employees, signed by all councilmember, reminding them of appropriate work behavior. Councilmember Godwin requested the City Clerk to give this out to all employees to sign and put in their files. Councilmember Godwin made a motion to pass a Resolution concerning allegations of wrong doings and handing their investigation over to the appropriate people to handle, seconded by Councilmember Hall. Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously.



Item 7: There being no further business before the council, and upon motion of Councilmember Hill and second of Councilmember Taunton, the council unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 6:18 p.m.














