JULY 13, 2021





The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Tallassee, Alabama convened in regular session on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Tallassee Municipal Complex. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hammock and the following were recorded as present:


Mayor                          John Hammock

Council Members         Jeremy Taunton

Sarah Hill

Damian Carr

Bill Hall

Terrel Brown

Bill Godwin

Fred Randall Hughey


John Smith was present as city attorney and Whitney Pitchford as secretary for the meeting.


Mayor Hammock presented the minutes of the council work session held on Tuesday, June, 22, 2021. There were no additions or changes. Upon motion of Councilmember Hall and second by Councilmember Taunton, the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.


Mayor Hammock presented the minutes of the regular council meeting held on Tuesday, June 22, 2021. There were no additions or changes. Upon motion of Councilmember Brown and second by Councilmember Carr, the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.


Item 1: A donation to the 15-year-old Babe Ruth All Stars was discussed in the work session. Councilmember Godwin made a motion to donate $300 to the Babe Ruth All Stars, seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.


Item 2: A Resolution for Bond was discussed during the work session, there were no questions or concerns. Councilmember Taunton made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Councilmember Hill. Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2021-678 was adopted.


Item 3: During the work session, Councilmembers discussed using $8000 from a contract buyout to buy tasers for the Police Department. Councilmember Hill made a motion to suspend the rules, seconded by Councilmember Taunton, after a role call vote, the motion was approved by a unanimous vote. Councilmember Hill made a motion to give the $8000 to the Police Department to buy the tasers, seconded by Councilmember Taunton and a vote in favor by all.


Item 4: The possible donation of 19 Paxton Drive was discussed. Councilmember Hughey will get with the property owner to see if they have a deed.


Item 5:  The Downtown Utility Relocation Bid was discussed during the work session. Faulk withdrew their bid. Councilmember Taunton made a motion to reject the reason for the bid withdrawal and for the City to keep the bid bond, seconded by Councilmember Hall. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.


Item 6: Discussed during the Work Session.


Item 7: Mayor Hammock reported on a number of additional items.

  1. Mayor Hammock will not be here for the next meeting. Council Member Godwin will run the July 27th
  2. Councilmember Hill made a motion for Councilmember Taunton to step up in Councilmember Hall’s place on the IDB Board, seconded by Councilmember Hughey. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.
  3. Mayor Hammock asked John Smith about a tourism line item and making a profit off of it. John Smith said this was fine as long as the money went back into the City.
  4. There will be a TRA meeting on the third Tuesday of each month starting August 17th at 6PM.
  5. August 19th at 11:30AM we are having a lunch with guest speaker Rick Pate who is the Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries at the 1220 Warehouse.
  6. Thanks so much to Councilmember Hall and everyone who participated in the Keep Tallassee Beautiful.
  7. Congrats to the Tallassee Tiger Sharks and good luck to the swimmers that qualified for the State Meet.
  8. Good luck to the All Star teams that are still in tournaments.
  9. Mayor Hammock discussed the Friendship Water Contract. Councilmember Hill made a motion for Mayor to present the contract to Friendship and for the contract to be voted on at the next meeting, seconded by Councilmember Carr. Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Item 8: Council Reports:

  1. Councilmember Taunton wanted to congratulate the Sharks. Good luck to the 13 and 15-year-old All Stars.
  2. Councilmember Hill said that the Finance Committee meeting went great. Whatley Drive looks awesome.
  3. Councilmember Hall wanted to thank the volunteers for helping with Keep Tallassee Beautiful. September 10th will be the next cleanup day.
  4. Councilmember Godwin wanted to thank Councilmember Hall for putting together Keep Tallassee Beautiful.


Item 9: There being no further business before the council, and upon motion of Councilmember Hill and second of Councilmember Taunton, the council unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 6:13 p.m.














