6:00 P.M.
Call to Order Honorable John Hammock, Mayor
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Meeting Open for the Transaction of Business – Mayor Hammock
Approval of Minutes: Minutes of a work session held on Tuesday, September 11, 2018.
Minutes of a regular council meeting held on Tuesday, September 11, 2018.
Item 1: Consider the 2018-2019 General Budget and Calendar.
Item 2: Consider the mapping system for the utilities department.
Item 3: Amend the 2018 general budget for the air condition unit at the Community Library.
Item 4: Consider the A T & T lease.
Item 5: Consider the Resolution concerning the petition of the Tallassee City Board of Education to vacate a portion of Preer Street, King Street and public alley rights-of way.
Item 6: Consider a resolution concerning an application for funding assistance through the Appalachian Regional Commission to assist with the sanitary sewer improvement project.
Item 7: Consider a resolution to declare property located at 305 Jordan Avenue a public nuisance.
Item 8: Consider a resolution to declare property located at 1 Gilmer Parkway a public nuisance.
Item 9: Introduce an ordinance to declare the Guest House property as surplus and authorize the sale of the same property.
Item 10: Discuss appointments to the Park and Recreation Board.
Item 11: Discuss the city council meeting dates for the month of October 2018 and the second city council meeting date in December 2018 which falls on December 25, 2018, Christmas Day.
Item 12: Mayor’s Reports.
Item 13: Council Reports.
Item 14: Adjourn.