FEBRUARY 25, 2020





The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Tallassee, Alabama convened in regular session on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Tallassee Municipal Complex. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hammock and the following were recorded as present:


Mayor                          John Hammock

Council Members         Jeremy Taunton

Sarah Hill

Damian Carr

Darrell Wilson

Terrel Brown

Bill Godwin

David Stough


John Smith was present as city attorney and City Clerk Whitney Moon acted as clerk for the meeting.


Mayor Hammock presented the minutes of the council work session held on Tuesday, February 11, 2020. There were no additions or changes. Upon motion of Council Member Taunton and a second by Council Member Hill, the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.


Mayor Hammock presented the minutes of the regular council meeting held on Tuesday, February 11, 2020. There were no additions or changes. Upon motion of Council Member Hill and second by Council Member Brown, the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.


Item 1: Corrie Sid gave presentation during the work session regarding the Guest House.


Item 2: Voting delegates for the Alabama League of Municipalities Conference were discussed in the work session. Council Member Hill made a motion to make Council Member Wilson the voting delegate for the Alabama League of Municipalities Conference and Mayor Hammock the backup voting delegate, seconded by Council Member Carr. Upon a vote, the motion passed by a unanimous vote.


Item 3: The use of City Hall for the Dixie Division was discussed. Council Member Taunton made a motion to approve the use of City Hall for the Dixie Division, seconded by Council Member Carr. Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously.


Item 4: Mayor’s Reports: The Lion’s Club asked for a donation for the 5K fundraiser on March 28. Council Member Stough made a motion to suspend the rules, seconded by Council Member Taunton. Upon a roll call vote, the motion was approved by a unanimous vote. Council Member Godwin made a motion to donate $125 to the Lion’s Club from the economic development line, seconded by Council Member Hill. Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously.


Talleweka Baptist Church contract was given to John Smith in the work session to look over and make any necessary changes. We will look at this at a later date to decide if we want to use this as one of the polling locations.


Ordinance to name Whitney Moon the City Clerk as the election official and to count absentee ballots. Council Member Wilson made a motion to suspend the rules, seconded by Council Member Brown. Upon a roll call vote, the motion was approved by a unanimous vote. Council Member Wilson made a motion to approve the Ordinance to name Whitney Moon as the election official, seconded by Council Member Brown. Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously.


Item 5: Council Reports: Council Members Carr, Brown, Godwin, and Stough had nothing to report. Council Member Taunton stated that he appreciated Mr. Troupe coming in tonight to speak at the work session but there were some things that he is leery of since Mr. Troupe fired his architect the day before this meeting. Council Member Taunton made a motion to invite Mr. Troupe back to the March 24 council meeting with his new architect representative to decide on a date for this project to be completed along with a timeline, seconded by Council Member Wilson. Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously. Andy Coker is contacting Mr. Troupe to make sure he is aware of what is being asked of him. Council Member Hill expressed her excitement that some of the drainage issues in Whatley Drive are being handled. Council Member Wilson wanted to thank the Police Department, Fire Department, and other employees dealing with the rain and other issues that come with this weather. Mayor Hammock gave an update on the pothole situation. D&J hasn’t been producing asphalt because of the weather. Troy Wallace spoke to D&J and they will be producing tomorrow, we will be purchasing as many loads as we can tomorrow. The City purchased a new product to try from a different company just to have on hand if needed.


Item 6: There being no further business before the Council, upon a motion made by Council Member Hill and a second by Council Member Carr, all Council Members present voted to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m.








