APRIL 14, 2020
The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Tallassee, Alabama convened in regular session on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. over a conference call due to the stay-at-home order by Governor Kay Ivey because of COVID-19. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hammock and the following were recorded as present:
Mayor John Hammock
Council Members Jeremy Taunton
Sarah Hill
Damian Carr
Darrell Wilson
Terrel Brown
Bill Godwin
David Stough
John Smith was present for the conference call as city attorney and City Clerk Whitney Moon acted as clerk for the meeting.
Mayor Hammock presented the minutes of the council work session held on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. There were no additions or changes. Upon motion of Council Member Hill and a second by Council Member Carr, the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.
Mayor Hammock presented the minutes of the regular council meeting held on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. There were no additions or changes. Upon motion of Council Member Brown and second by Council Member Carr, the minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.
Item 1: A Resolution concerning a public nuisance located at 402 James Street was discussed by building inspector Andy Coker. Upon motion of Council Member Taunton and second by Council Member Brown, the motion was approved by a unanimous vote. Resolution 2020-634 was adopted.
Item 2: A Resolution to hire CARPDC for administrative services for grant was discussed. Upon motion of Council Member Hill and second by Council Member Godwin, the motion was approved by a unanimous vote. Resolution 2020-633 was adopted. Council Member Stough made a motion approving $27,500 to be paid to CARPDC for this and a second by Council Member Brown. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
Item 3: The guest house survey and appraisal was reviewed. Council Member Stough made a motion to declare the property as surplus, seconded by Council Member Wilson. The motion was approved unanimously. Council Member Hill made a motion to sell the property for $8000 to Corrie Sid, seconded by Council Member Godwin. Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Item 4: Mayor’s Reports: The Tallaweka Tank design is wrapping up and we will need to advertise for bids. Looking at construction completion around October 2020. $328,000 to blast and paint and another $25,000 to remove the old tank next to it. The total cost will be $353,000.
Laney Lift Station Upgrade. Complete design and review April 30th 2020, submit to ADEM for review May 2020, advertise for bids mid-May, open bids end of June, ADEM construction documents and approval July 2020, begin construction August 2020, and estimated construction completion date October 2020.
New gas line project in East Tallassee and Carrville area. Hope to complete plans by early May. Hope to bid early June with construction starting in July. Expect a 60 to 90 day completion time on the project.
New filter and under drain is in and electronic actuator was giving us some problems. Filter is working just have a few kinks to work out.
Sewer plant is still in the planning stages. Should begin construction around November 2020 with a completion date of December 2021.
Whatley Drive in the planning stages with CDG engineering.
Covid-19 updates: Recreation Center closed until May 1st. Library closed until May 1st. Senior Center closed until May 1st but we are delivering shelf stable meals once a week and we are still delivering the meals for the hospital. City Hall workers are on a rotation working alternate days and City Hall is closed to the public. All court cases for April have been postponed ad the court magistrate is working to schedule new court dates. Cemetery workers are working on rotation. Public Works and utilities have been split into two groups of 9 and alternating days to limit the number of people working together. Delays in limb service could be a possibility and you need to let people in your ward know because we are working on a skeleton crew every day. Police Department, Fire Department, and water filter plant are working normal hours. We have cut overtime unless it is water filer plant or law enforcement. We were $15,000 less on our last payroll. We have stopped all major purchases unless it is an emergency. Hopefully we can be back to normal in a few weeks.
Item 5: Council Reports: Council Member Taunton wanted to clarify that the limb truck will continue running after April 17th. Council Member Hill wanted to thank all of the city workers and CDG Engineers for their hard work. Council Member Carr wanted to thank the city worker and the Mayor for all of the hard work. Council Member Wilson wanted to clarify that all city employees were still getting paid for their normal hours as of now and expressed thanks to city employees and residents. Mayor Hammock said that the corrections van had been ordered and would hopefully be here this summer. Council Member Brown wanted to thank the Mayor and staff and all other essential workers for all of the hard work. Be safe and check on your neighbors. Council Member Godwin wanted to thank employees and retail workers. Also wants to get together with the finance committee and talk about how COVID-19 will impact the city. Council Member Stough had nothing to report.
John Smith wanted to confirm that the City Council would be meeting again using the same conference call on April 28th.
Item 6: There being no further business before the Council, upon a motion made by Council Member Hill and a second by Council Member Carr, all Council Members present voted to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.