SEPTEMBER 11, 2018
The City Council of the City of Tallassee, Alabama convened in a work session on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. at the Tallassee Municipal Complex. The meeting was called to order and the following were recorded as present:
Council Members |
John Hammock
Jeremy Taunton |
Joe Seawell Moore was present as city attorney and City Clerk Barbara Garnett was clerk for the work session.
Item 1: Mayor Hammock called the council’s attention to the minutes of the last work session and council meeting. The items on the agenda were reviewed and discussed.
2018-2019 General Budget and Calendar — Council Member Godwin s31sted that he would be presenting the proposed budget and calendar at the council meeting. He suggested that Monday, December 31′ be added to the calendar, for this year only, to give the employees a longer weekend since Tuesday, January 1 is already an approved holiday.
Council Member Godwin explained the process of creating the 2018-2019 General Budget. The current revenues and expenses were reviewed and annualized. The proposed budget includes the additional revenue of $250,000.00 for the ad valorem tax and other revenue has been reduced by those amounts that have been reduced or eliminated altogether. The expenditures include a 5% increase in health insurance premiums and the cost estimate of the replacement of the gas cast iron pipe. He stated that the projected revenues totaled $9.5 million and the projected expenditures totaled $9.3 million. Council Member Godwin asked the Council Members to review the budget over the next 2 weeks and discuss any questions they might have at the next work session. He suggested that the work session begin at 4:45 p.m. to allow time for discussion of the budget.
Mayor Hammock stated that a resolution needed to be approved to authorize him to sign the construction agreement with the State of Alabama for the TAP grant. The grant doesn’t cover any asphalt/paving projects. The funds will be used for utility infrastructure projects in the downtown area.
Mayor Hammock explained that the Community Library was having a problem with the air condition unit. Patterson Air had determined that there was a leak in the coils. They estimated that the cost to replace the coils would be $4000.00, with no warranty, or to replace the unit would be $10,500.00, which would come with a warranty. Council Member Godwin suggest that this be approved contingent upon the funds in the 2018 budget.
Mayor Hammock stated that A T & T had submitted a new contract to lease space on the water tank for a cell tower. The payment options they presented were either $986.00 a month, with a 5% increase every 5 years, or a lump sum payment of $179,000.00. After some discussion, Mayor Hammock stated that he would contact them for additional information.
Mayor Hammock stated that the mapping system for the utilities department would cost approximately $186,000 for the water, sewer and gas utility lines. The council members were in agreement that the project was necessary for the operation of the utilities and Council Member Godwin stated that it would be contingent of finding the funds. This will be on the next agenda.
Mayor Hammock informed the Council Members of an incident at the football practice field involving the mosquito spray. He had received numerous complaints that the spray was released while parents and children were present. He stated that he had placed a hold on mosquito spraying until next spring. He stated that most of the neighboring cities did not spray for mosquitos. But due to the viruses that result from mosquitos, Council Members were in agreement to continue the service next year.
Mayor Hammock commented on the proclamation for Family Day.
Council Members were in agreement that Halloween would be observed on October 31 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
There being no further discussion at the work session, and upon a motion of Council Member Taunton and a second by Council Member Carr, the council voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 p.m.