SEPTEMBER 25, 2018
The City Council of the City of Tallassee, Alabama convened in a work session on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 4:45 p.m. at the Tallassee Municipal Complex. The meeting was called to order and the following were recorded as present:
Council Members |
John Hammock
Jeremy Taunton |
John Smith was present as city attorney and City Clerk Barbara Garnett was clerk for the work session.
Item 1: Mayor Hammock called the council’s attention to the minutes of the last work session and council meeting. The items on the agenda were reviewed and discussed as follows.
2018-2019 City Calendar and General Budget — The calendar included an extra holiday on December 31, New Year’s Eve, for this year only.
Council Member Godwin stated that the budget included $9,466,590 in revenues with one substantial additional revenue source, the ad valorem tax on personal property. The expenses totaled $9,293,735 including $30,000 for the Animal Control officer at city hall, $200,000 for the cast iron pipe replacement project in the gas department, $100,000 property cleanup and $50,000 for the jail contract expense. Appropriations included an increase for the local economic development from $25,000 to $75,000, $3,600 for Tallassee Redevelopment Authority and $35,000 for Tractor Supply incentive. The following items have been omitted this year: $10,020 for retired employees, $5,000 for the IDB land interest payment and $50,000 for the Industrial Development Board.
Mayor Hammock explained that the new auditor discovered that there was a receivable on the books from the IDB in the amount of approximately $323,000. They had made payments for several years, but they haven’t made a payment in years. The auditor reviewed their financial statement and found them to be financially stable. He recommended that the appropriation be omitted this year unless the council disagreed. He stated that the city is facing major infrastructure issues and since the IDB is financially stable, that expense could be saved. No one had an issue regarding that recommendation. Council Member Hill stated that the citizens had been told that they would “trim the fat” and allocate funds where they were most needed.
Utility Mapping System — It would cost $145,400 for the water system, $28,500 for the sewer system and $13,200 for the gas system. This system would be very beneficial to the workers, not knowing where some of the gas lines are could be very dangerous.
Funds for air condition at library — Approve a request to transfer $8,600 from 501-5294 and $1,900 from 501-5236 to pay for the replacement of the air condition unit at the library.
A T & T lease options – $986.00 per month or a lump sum of $179,000. Council Member Godwin stated that if the monthly payment was accepted, it would be revenue each month; however, they could come back and cancel lease at any time. The lump sum would help cover the cost of the match for the TAP grant. Council Member Brown asked if other networks would be prevented from lease space. Council Members seemed to be in agreement to take the lump sum.
Resolution regarding the petition from Tallassee City Board of Education to vacate streets around the high school property
Resolution regarding the application for funding assistance through the Appalachian Regional Commission to assist with the sanitary sewer improvement project.
Resolutions to declare a public nuisance involving high grass at 305 Jordan Avenue and 1 Gilmer Parkway.
Introduce an ordinance to declare the Guest House property surplus and authorize the sale of the property. All were in agreement that the city should move forward with this.
Vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Board were announced. Council Member Brown stated that the members felt that they had no power. John Smith explained that that had always been an issue. The Board is not a separate entity of the City, it operates same as the Library Board. The Council Members appoint the Board members and the Board can make recommendations on the operations to the
Council for approval. The Council makes decisions according to the funds available. It looks favorable to have a Board for strategic planning when grants are applied for.
Mayor Hammock explained that he would not be present for the October 9 and October 23 council meetings. He would be at a gas conference on the 9th and an economic development conference on the 23rd. Also, he stated that the second council meeting in December would be on Christmas Day. They were in agreement to cancel the meeting on October 9 and December 25 and stated that a special council meeting would be scheduled if something urgent came up. The October 23 council meeting would remain scheduled with a work session at 5:00.
There being no further discussion at the work session, and upon a motion of Council Member Taunton and a second by Council Member Hill, the council voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 p.m.