JUNE 28, 2022





The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Tallassee, Alabama convened in regular session on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Tallassee Municipal Complex. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hammock and the following were recorded as present:


Mayor                          John Hammock

Council Members         Jeremy Taunton-absent

Sarah Hill-absent

Damian Carr

Bill Hall-absent

Terrel Brown

Bill Godwin

Fred Randall Hughey


John Smith was present as city attorney and as secretary for the meeting in Whitney Pitchford’s absence.


The invocation was given by Reverend Clint McBroom. The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Hammock, who presided over the meeting.

Approval of minutes: On motion of Councilmember Carr and a second by Councilmember Godwin, all councilmembers present voted to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2022 work session. On motion of Councilmember Godwin and a second by Councilmember Brown, all councilmembers present voted to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2022 regular city council meeting.

Item 1. The renewal of the contract with Retail Strategies was discussed. Councilmember Godwin confirmed with Mayor Hammock that the extension was for one year only. Councilmember Godwin also requested that representatives of Retail Strategies report directly to the council at least once a month to keep the council advised of its work. On motion of Councilmember Godwin, with a second by Councilmember Brown, all councilmembers present voted in favor of renewing the contract.

Mayor’s Reports:

  1. Mayor Hammock recognized John Stalnaker concerning issues with Katie Lane. Mr. Stalnaker requested that the city send a letter to the postmaster, Mr. Freeman, that the city would be responsible for maintaining Katie Lane. Councilmember Godwin said that the council would look into this. No action was otherwise taken by the council.
  2. The mayor reported on discussions with Desiree Lewis of the Elmore County Commission, Councilmember Carr and Bishop Adolphus Gauntt concerning a possible park to be located in Ward 3 to be funded by the County Commission, the City and private businesses and individuals.
  3. Mayor Hammock requested that the city’s engineer, CDG, CARPDC and the city’s water department consult with each other concerning the EDA grant in light of the city’s inability to fund a new wastewater treatment facility.
  4. Mayor Hammock reported that the Hotel Talisi was listed in the Alabama Historical Commission’s “Places in Peril” list. City Attorney Smith said he would research to determine whether there were any requirements before the building could be demolished in light of that listing.
  5. Mayor Hammock congratulated the Tallassee Babe Ruth team for again making it to a national tournament. The council will consider at its next meeting whether there are funds available that the city may contribute to the team to offset travel costs.
  6. The mayor reported that the Summerfest celebration had been a success and complimented the Tallassee Chamber of Commerce, it’s director, Jerry Cunningham, James Garner, Troy Wallace, and all members of the city’s public works staff.
  7. Mayor Hammock reported on a meeting between him, Tallassee IDB director Rick Dorley and ADECA concerning potential grants beneficial to the city.
  8. Mayor Hammock reported that the east side mill site was available to be acquired from the city by anyone who could clean it up.
  9. Mayor Hammock reported that he and Councilmember Carr would meet with representatives of the NAACP on June 30, 2022 regarding recent reports of Tallassee police officers using excessive force.
  10. Mayor Hammock gave a farewell message in advance of his resignation on June 30, 2022.


Council Reports


Ward 3- Councilmember Carr expressed his concern about the recent reports of Tallassee police officers using excessive force. He expressed thanks to Mayor Hammock for his efforts on behalf of the city while he has been in office.

Ward 5- Councilmember Brown echoed Councilmember Carr’s thoughts.

Ward 6- Councilmember Godwin echoed Councilmember Carr’s thoughts. He also reported that the claims of use of excessive force were being investigated by ALEA and APOST and the city would fully cooperate with those investigations.

Ward 7- Councilmember Huey declined to comment on the reports of police use of excessive force due to the fact that those matters are now being handled by attorneys. He agreed that the city should abide by the results of any investigation into those reports.  thanked Mayor Hammock for his service to the city.

There being no further business before the council, and upon motion of Councilmember Carr and a second by Councilmember Godwin, all councilmembers present voted to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m.










